Registration for Admission for classes Nursery to V/VI starts on 01/12/2023. Bhumi Pujan for our school building will be held on 29/11/2023 at Parnawan Village near Government ITI college. All are cordially invited to grace this auspicious occasion.

School Management Committee (SMC)

The Principal of the School will be an ex-officio member of the School Management Committee. Apart from him, the S.M.C. will include eminent educationists, social workers, environmentalists, parents’ representatives, teachers’ representatives, cognizant people from society etc. to make it broad based entity. The composition of the committee, its function and the tenure of the members shall be in accordance with the laid down guidelines of Chapter 8 of CBSE Bye Laws.

From the Principal’s Desk

My Dear Students and Parents

I am feeling honoured to welcome you all to Kalpana Eklavaya Vidayalayam. It will be a school where all our students will have the opportunity to realize their dream. Our school will function based on the core democratic value of our country where people in different roles and responsibilities in the school will play their part freely and responsibly and thus making it truly an institution of the people, for the people and by the people.

It’s our firm belief that all students can meet their expectations by achieving high standards. We also believe that individual differences exist, and different students have different educational needs. We shall address the differentiated needs of our students with differentiated pedagogical practice without compromising on standards. It would be our commitment & responsibility to personalize the educational experience for each of our students so that they can achieve high standards.

We will invest our resources not just in our students’ academic success but also in their all-round personality development & their well-being. We are going to have sports, yoga, health, music, drama, debate, fine arts, language & literature clubs which will help them not only in honing their special latent talent but will also be ensuring their all-round development and growth.

We, at Kalpana Eklavya Vidyalayam, have a dream of making every student an engaged learner, every teacher a caring educator and every parent a supporting partner.

We look forward to working with you all to make our school a greater and better institution for generations to come.

Best Wishes,
Principal Kalpana Eklavya Vidyalayam

Advisory Board

The School Advisory Board will provide guidance and recommendation to the School Administration and the School Management Committee (SMC) in formulation and adaptation of policies regarding functioning of the school.

The board will give recommendations to SMC on Policy matters, curriculum, public relations, and school program. It will guide the SMC for development of education program and preparation of School Improvement plan. The advisory board will also be monitoring student achievements. It will review the academic performance of the school on a quarterly basis. The board will provide insight into the functioning of the school with respect to its goal and the mission and vision. It can identify best practices and standards and can advise the SMC for implementation of the same.

Apart from the above the advisory board will assist School Management in the identification of potential resources to support the students and educational programs of the school. It will also assist the school management in the identification and recruitment of new members of the advisory board. The Director of the school will be the convenor of the Advisory Board meeting. The meeting of the School Advisory Board is to be convened at least once in six months.

The Advisory Board of the school has been constituted with the following members.

Members of Advisory Board
Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni

Dr. Srinivas, an IIT Kanpur graduate, has vast experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computing Science. He brings in a unique blend of academic, research and industry orientation, a rare combination.

He has several patents, one published book, more than hundred international publications, 400+ invited talks across eight countries to his credit. He was awarded the title of “Eminent Engineer” by prestigious organization “Institution of Engineers”. Some of his major milestones in his academic and professional life are as below.

  • AI Advisor, Marax AI. Inc & Chief Mentor, Tarah Technology
  • Visiting Professor of IIT Tirupati
  • Co-Founder & City Mandi
  • Founding Member ACM India Council
  • Principal Research Scientist and Associate VP, Infosys Lab
  • PhD in Artificial Intelligence from University of Alberta, Canada
  • B. Tech IIT Kanpur 1990 and M. Tech from IIT Mumbai in CSE

Dr. Prayag Jha

Dr. Jha, an author and a practicing lawyer, is a former Income Tax Commissioner. Born and brought up in a nondescript village in Sitamarhi district of Bihar, he joined Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) in the year 1980. He worked mostly in Mumbai, Pune, and Ahmedabad. While in Mumbai he acquired degrees of LLB & then LLM from Mumbai University. He was a gold medalist in LLM. He was awarded Ph.D in Law from the same university in 2002.

Dr. Jha has a deep interest and understanding in Sanskrit Language and Sanatan Dharma. He studies Scripture regularly. He has published his autobiography “Kriyaa-siddhih Satve Bhavati”, wherein he quoted extensively from scriptures. He is a strong votary of compulsory teaching of Sanskrit language in school to preserve and restore social and cultural values among the growing up children of our nation.

Subhojit Kar

Sri Subhojit Kar, an Electrical Engineer from 1990 batch of IIT Kanpur, is an author and a teacher par excellence. He teaches Mathematics and Physics to the aspirants of IIT, NIT, BITS & other Engineering Institutes. The results of every batch of his students are phenomenal. He is having passion for creative writing and has two published English novels to his credit. After graduation from IIT Kanpur he joined Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), a central Public Sector Enterprise and worked there till 2004 in the field of R&D of Radar and Sonar System as well as in the department of BEL.